In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth by His powerful Word. The universe did not evolve over millions
of years but was created by God's plan and design out of nothing (see Genesis 1-2).
Through Adam and Eve, since came into the world and is passed down to all human beings. Sin is the violation of God's
law and it brings death. Human beings (nor anything else in creation) were not designed to die. Death is not natural. The
"disease" of sin is passed down from parents to children and it renders us spiritually blind, dead, and enemies
of God from conception and birth (See Genesis 3; Romans 1-5; Psalm 51:5; Ephesians 2:1-9).
God is just. When designs us to live in relation to Him and others in a particular way and gives commands (God's law)
that instruct us in what we should do or not do, and this is violated God does not ignore such transgressions. God is holy
and the balance of justice must be brought to equity. And so the way of salvation for us will involve the payment of what
our sins against God have earned (the wages of sin is death - Romans 6:23). And Christ, the Son of God the Father, is sent
into this world out of love by our heavenly Father, to atone for our sins, to be our substitute. On Good Friday, Christ suffered,
once and for all, the punishment which we deserved by our sins - all people of all time. Christ is "the Lamb of God"
who takes away the sin of the world.
Already after the fall of Adam and Eve into sin and death, God gave the promise of a Savior (Genesis 3:15), and prophesied
that this "Seed of Eve" would redeem us from sin and death and so defeat the devil, Satan, a fallen, evil angel
who rebelled against God and tempted Adam and Eve.
Throughout the Old Testament more and more of the story was told to God's chosen people, the line through whom the Savior,
the Messiah (anointed one) would come to save all of humanity. The Old Testament offices of prophet, priest, and king, along
with the tabernacle and temple foreshadowed the coming of Christ who would be offered as the atoning sacrifice to purchase
us back from condemnation in hell.
[under construction - more to come]