Rev. Stephen T. Weiss, Pastor
"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves,
but our sufficiency is from God..." 2 Corinthians 3:5
Why Gloria Christi? Jesus is here
giving out His gospel gifts among us. We have the clear unchanging gospel here in Weld County. In the midst of cultural change
we have the eternal truth of God's Word.
"Gloria Christi" means "Glory of Christ"
in Latin. The name of our Lutheran congregation expresses the Christ-centered message and worship life of the church
in this place and the acknowledgment of His holy presence with us by means of His Word and Sacraments. In short, when
you depart for home after service on Sunday morning, you know you've been to church. We seek to be faithful to the Apostles'
doctrine and fellowship in the Lord's Supper and the ordered prayer life of the Church. We seek to live faithfully
in the world but not of the world until our Lord's return in glory on the Last Day.
Gloria Christi Lutheran Church is a
member of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). At Gloria Christi you'll still find Bible, Catechism, and hymnal thoroughly used in our life together in Christ. We believe the historic liturgy and the faithful body of hymns in our
Lutheran heritage best reflect what we receive from Holy Scripture and confess in the Book of Concord. We believe that these are assets for the faithful proclamation of the gospel to all because they confess the
changeless and universal faith that we have received from the faithful who have gone before us. We wish to remain
distinctly confessional in teaching and practice passing on what we have received, rather than blending in with the landscape
of pop Christianity. We simply intend to set for the truth in love in all its fullness and trust that the Holy Spirit
does indeed do His work in His time as a gift, without our added agendas or attempts to manage what is clearly His doing.
Come and grow, learn, pray, worship
in reverence, receive the Lord's gifts, witness out in the world in your calling in life and know the ancient Christian faith
and worship alive today for you! Evangelical and catholic are the old words that describe the substance of our traditional
Lutheran congregation in teaching and practice. Our pastor is glad to offer instruction for those coming from other
beliefs and who have come to trust the good news of Christ and acknowledge that truth.
Sunday Divine Service - 9:00 AM
Sunday School & Adult Bible Study - 10:30 AM
In Advent and Lent - Wednesday Vespers or Evening Prayer at 7:00 PM
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