Jesus Christ is our Redeemer. He has bought us back from sin against God, eternal death, and slavery under Satan.
The Lutheran Church is a church for broken people who realize their sin and come to receive the forgiveness of sins won on
Good Friday and Easter in Christ's means of grace, the Word and the Holy Sacraments.
Our first parents, Adam and Eve, fell into temptation, abused the freedom God created them with, and rebelled against
God in disobedience. This brought the curse of death upon them and all their descendants. All people are conceived
and born spiritually blind, dead, and estranged from God. We call this original sin because it is inherited and
passed down from the very first people to all people in the world. This is why all people are in need of Christ.
From the very beginning of our sin and separation from God, the Lord Himself provided the promise and solution to this
most terrible of all problems. It was the promise to send a descendant of Eve (Genesis 3:15) who would defeat the devil,
and rescue and provide redemption from sin, death, and hell for our debt to God. That promise was fulfilled in Jesus
of Nazareth, who is called the Christ, because He is the anointed One of God. Not only is Jesus a man, a full human
being, but He is also the Lord God Himself in the flesh, the Second Person of the eternal, Blessed Trinity in the flesh.
The Lord Himself is our rescuer! He is our Redeemer. God, the one to whom we owed the debt, has in love
provided the payment for our debt in the sending and suffering and death of His eternal, beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who is
true God and true man.
This is what it means to have Jesus as our Savior and Redeemer. He is the sacrificial payment for our debt to God
by our sin, failure, disobedience, and selfishness in not fearing, loving, and trusting in God above all things or to love
our neighbor as ourself. By His suffering, bleeding, and death, Jesus Christ became our substitute in the debt
we have earned for ourselves. God says that He counts this as payment in full. Jesus said just before breathing
His last upon the cross 2,000 years ago, that, "It is finished." All the debt has been paid for everyone in the
world, all people of all time. That means you! This is the Gospel, the good news!
In vindication and acceptance of the Lord's sacrifice the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead bodily on the third
day. The Lord did not simply intend to save our souls, but to save us in both body and soul. The resurrection
from the grave is essential to Christian belief because it shows that the Lord is true, keeps His promises, and has power
over death and the grave. Whoever believes (trusts) in Jesus as Savior and Redeemer has eternal life in body and
soul by grace alone (completely free gift). That's what the Christian message (Gospel) is all about and that's what
the true and faithful Church is all about - proclaiming, delivering, and teaching that gospel message and giving that out
properly in the Lord's sacraments (mysteries) that are both means (ways) of the Lord God giving out His grace and salvation.
It is the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, who works through these means of God's spoken and sacramental
Gospel to create and nurture faith in our hearts that we trust in Christ.
The Holy Spirit proclaims our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to us. It is He who creates faith in Jesus and shows us that
in Christ, God the Father, has also once again become our Father. The Holy Spirit works through the gift of Holy Baptism,
the washing of water with the Word, to create faith, bring repentance, adopt into God's family, the Church, and to give access
to the divine name of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which He puts upon us with the water of Holy Baptism.
The call of God into the world, then, is to repent, and believe the Gospel. In the earliest times of the church,
the holy apostles of Christ preached to repent and believe in that good news of Christ our Redeemer, and receive Baptism for
the remission of sins so that we should also then be given the gift of the Holy Spirit. For this promise is for you
and your children and as many whom the Lord our God will call. So through baptizing and teaching all things of
Christ the Church has the ongoing mandate from Christ our crucified, risen, and ascended Lord to make followers of Christ
of all nations until the Lord Jesus appears again openly on the Last Day to judge the living and the dead.
We seek to bring this gospel message of salvation to you that you may be baptized into Christ and know the peace and
joy that comes in knowing Christ eternally as your Redeemer from sin and death and have fellowshiop with the Father and the
Holy Spirit in Jesus, and so also then with His Body of believers, the Church.
The Church rejoices, with eyes fixed upon Jesus, to worship Him eternally in joy, reverence, and awe. For He is,
even now, among us as the One who serves in His holy Word and Sacraments in the Divine Service. The Church has acknowledged
this through the ages as with teaching, reverence, and joyful anticipation of the Lord's return we seek Him where He has promised
to be now hidden humbly in His means of grace in the fellowship of those who confess Him faithfully. For the genuine
Church is wherever the Gospel of Christ is purely preached and Christ's sacraments are given out the way He instructed them
to be administered. The people of the Church are sinners gathered around this forgiveness in Christ in contrition and
Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, is with us always to the very end of the age. He has promised
to be with us as surely as He is inseparable from His Word, joined to us in Holy Baptism, and as certainly as He is known
in His very name. We are no thrown to and fro by the theories of man, or the transient feelings of our own hearts,
to know Christ is with us. We have His humble signs of His true Word from Scripture, and His miraculous sacraments in
Baptism and the Holy Supper. There He points and says, "Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Even so, we pray that the Lord would appear again openly soon and we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of
the world to come.