We are a confessional Lutheran congregation. This means that we hold to the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
both in terms of doctrine and practice. We are catholic but not Roman Catholic. We are evangelical but not a part of the modern
Evangelical movement. We hold that Jesus Christ is the object of our Faith and that justification by grace (Christ's forgiving
our sins freely for the sake of His passion, death and resurrection) is the chief article of the Faith. We trust that our
Lord comes to us to forgive our sins and give us Himself through the Word of God, preaching, baptism, absolution (forgiveness)
and the Lord's Supper.
We encourage you to study Luther's Small Catechism as a basic statement of how Lutherans understand and teach the basic
topics of Holy Scripture.
Visit: www.bookofconcord.org and catechism.cph.org
Concordia Theological Seminary Bookstore
Lutheran Heritage Foundation
Emmanuel Press
Resources from Rev. Dr. John Kleinig, Australian Lutheran theologian and churchman
Free to be Faithful - LCMS Religious Liberty Resources
Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty
Lutheran Press
Wittenberg Academy (Online Classical Lutheran High School)
Creation Ministries International
The Book of Concord: The Lutheran Confessions
Luther's Small Catechism
The Luther Academy
Directory of Evangelical Lutheran Liturgical Congregations
Worship Anew (Worship for Shut-Ins - from the campus of CTS Fort Wayne). Online and dish program of liturgical services.
Issues Etc Lutheran Radio Program
Lutherans for Life
Gottesdienst: Journal of Lutheran Liturgy
Concordia Catechetical Academy
Center for Bioethics and Culture Network
Article and Video Archive CTSFW (lots of resources on this searchable site)
Concordia Publishing House (LCMS Publisher)
Brothers of John the Steadfast
Peace With Christ Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, CO
Association of Confessing Evangelical Lutheran Congregations
Higher Things: Dare to be Lutheran Youth Organization (RSO of the LCMS)
Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
LOGIA: A Journal of Lutheran Theology
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
Northwestern Publishing House
Center on Human Exceptionalism (Bioethics)
Lutheran Public Radio (steaming sacred music)